Did You Know?
When comparing high cost producers with low-cost producers there are three distinctive places where the low-cost producer spend more money than the high cost producer. They are:
1. Better Health Care
2. Improved Pastures
3. Superior Genetics
We imported the first Simmental bull into Montana in 1972.
PRIDE OF PRICKLY PEAR, son of Ueli, was a National Trait Leader for Daughter's caving ease.
We sold the first two Polled Purebred Simmental bulls in 1976. They were Galant sons out of the dam of LEGGACY RETURN.
The first black polled purebred bull to sell was ACE OF SPADES. He sold at the National Sale in Reno in 1980. Ace of Spades sired 393R. She is the dam of Eight Ball, Montana Blak, Infititi, Montana Red plus many other herd sires. He also sired the dam of Red Bear who is owned by ABS. Charles Pride grandam was also sired by Ace of Spades.
The average calf should weigh 7% of its Dam’s weight.
Bulls with large testicles, not only service more cows and product more semen, but they also sire daughters and sisters cycle at an earlier age and have a higher conception rate.
Most testicular growth occurs from nine to twelve months of age.
Consider the age of the calf when using these numbers.
A cow herd will cycle 20 days earlier if they have a bull present.
This is why we use a gomer bull for heat detection.
Calving ease EPD’s are 3 times more accurate than birth weight EPD’s in predicting calving problems.
Simmentals are the second most poplar breed in the world behind Zebu (Brahman).
India has 30% of the world’s cattle and zero production.
United States has 9% of the world’s cattle and 30% production.
United States is fourth in cattle numbers.
Temperature effects birth weight.
A calf born in the southern U.S. will be 10 to 15 pounds lighter than one born in the Northern U.S.
A calf born in August or September will be 10 to 15 pounds lighter than a calf born in February or March with the same genetics.
Simmental Juniors, 4-H, or FFA members get a 5% discount on animals registered in their name when purchased from Prickly Pear Simmental Ranch.